A series of generative art pieces created in Java with Processing. My process was inspired by the color jitter setting of Photoshop brushes, and I sought to script an effect emulating it.
Below is a screen recording of the generative process.
float hueJitter, satJitter, briJitter, jitterMax;
color c;
int[] from = new int[2];
int[] to = new int[2];
int[] curr = new int[2];
boolean vert = true;
float count = 0;
float total = 1;
float brushSize;
int iterations;
int[] boundaries = {int(random(3, 6)), int(random(20, 60)), int(random(80, 100))};
float noiseVal = 0;
boolean started = false;
int current_frame = 0;
void setup(){
size(1000, 1000);
colorMode(HSB, 360);
c = color(random(360), random(360), random(360));
jitterMax = sqrt(hue(c - 120) + saturation(c - 120) + brightness(c - 120)) * 3;
from[0] = int(random(width));
from[1] = int(random(height));
to[0] = from[0];
to[1] = int(random(height));
} else {
to[0] = int(random(width));
to[1] = from[1];
vert = !vert;
float distance = distance(from, to);
brushSize = width;
total = int(distance / brushSize * random(5, 20));
println("(" + from[0] + ", " + from[1] + ") to (" + to[0] + ", " + to[1] + ")");
started = true;
void draw(){
if(started && iterations < boundaries[2]){
if(count != total){
float x = lerp(from[0], to[0], count / total);
float y = lerp(from[1], to[1], count / total);
brush(x, y);
} else {
count = 0;
c = color((hue(c) + noise(noiseVal) * 360) % 360, (saturation(c) + noise(noiseVal) * 360) % 360, (brightness(c) + noise(noiseVal) * 360) % 360);
jitterMax = sqrt(hue(c - 120) + saturation(c - 120) + brightness(c - 120)) * 3;
from[0] = to[0];
from[1] = to[1];
to[0] = from[0];
to[1] = int(random(height));
} else {
to[0] = int(random(width));
to[1] = from[1];
vert = !vert;
float distance = distance(from, to);
println("(" + from[0] + ", " + from[1] + ") to (" + to[0] + ", " + to[1] + ")");
if(iterations < boundaries[0]){
brushSize = random(width / 2, width);
} else if(iterations < boundaries[1]){
brushSize = random(width / 10, width / 4);
} else if(iterations < boundaries[2]){
brushSize = random(width / 50, width / 20);
total = int(distance / brushSize * random(5, 20));
noiseVal += 0.3;
else if(started) {
int brightness = int(random(2)) * 360;
fill(0, 0, int(random(2)) * 360, 60);
rect(0, 0, width, height);
float h, s, b;
for(int x = 0; x < width; x++){
for(int y = 0; y < height; y++){
h = (hue(pixels[x + y * width]) + random(60)) % 360;
s = min(saturation(pixels[x + y * width]) + random(60), 360);
b = min(brightness(pixels[x + y * width]) + random(60), 360);
pixels[x + y * width] = color(h, s, b);
strokeWeight(width / 500);
stroke(0, 0, brightness);
// Start outside shapes
int numShapes = int(random(10, 20));
for(int i = 0; i < numShapes; i++){
float rectWidth = random(width / 6, width / 2);
float rectHeight = random(height / 6, height / 2);
float startX = random(0.1 * width, 0.9 * width - rectWidth);
float startY = random(0.1 * height, 0.9 * height - rectHeight);
float cornerRadius = random(width / 400, width / 10);
rect(startX, startY, rectWidth, rectHeight, cornerRadius);
int numDots = int(random(width / 20, width / 10));
for(int i = 0; i < numDots; i++){
rect(random(0.1 * width, 0.9 * width), random(0.1 * height, 0.9 * height), (width / 200), (width / 200));
fill(0, 0, brightness);
numDots = int(random(width / 20, width / 10));
for(int i = 0; i < numDots; i++){
rect(random(0.1 * width, 0.9 * width), random(0.1 * height, 0.9 * height), (width / 200), (width / 200));
save(str(year()) + str(month()) + str(day()) + "_" + str(hour()) + str(minute()) + str(second()) + str(millis()) + ".png");
void brush(float x, float y){
hueJitter = random(-1 * jitterMax, jitterMax);
satJitter = random(-1 * jitterMax, jitterMax);
briJitter = random(-1 * jitterMax, jitterMax);
fill(hue(c) + hueJitter, saturation(c) + satJitter, brightness(c) + briJitter, 36);
float sideLength = brushSize;
quad(x, y-sideLength, x+sideLength, y, x, y+sideLength, x-sideLength, y);
float distance(int[] from, int[] to){
return(sqrt(sq(from[0] - to[0]) + sq(from[1] - to[1])));